1st Priority: District Level |
District 64 activities and meetings.
For example:
- Interamural and interscholastic sports
- Instrumental music, vocal music, concerts, and related events
- Parent/teacher board meetings
- District 64 events
- Student organizations/clubs, e.g. Student Council, Lincoln/Emerson, Clubs
Requests must be received at the Business Office between April 2nd-May 3rd. Completed list of student activities is due by May 3rd, 2024.
***** END 1ST PRIORITY ***** |
2nd Priority: Groups Sponsored by District 64 |
Other student/school groups sponsored by District 64.
For Example:
- Student organizations/clubs, e.g. Girl Scouts, Chess Club
- PTO/PTA Sponsored activities-Using outside vendors
- Tutoring and private music lessons
Request(s) must be received at the Business Office between May 6th-May 17th, 2024.
The organization will be required to provide the School District with certificate of insurance for liability and property damage.The limits for this insurance shall be $1,000,000 or an amount established by School District 64 based upon recommendations from our insurance consultants.The school District shall execute a BUILDING CONTRACT RENTAL, which includes a Hold Harmless clause, which holds the Board of Education of School District 64, the administration, and school employees harmless from any and all actions from any person or persons occasioned by the use of the School District facilities.
***** END 2ND PRIORITY ***** |
3rd Priority: Outside Affiliates |
Park Ridge Groups
For example:
- Park Ridge Recreation and Park District and its affiliates
- Hawks Basketball
Request(s) must be received at the Business Office between May 20th-November 1st.
The organization will be required to provide the School District with certificate of insurance for liability and property damage.The limits for this insurance shall be $1,000,000 or an amount established by School District 64 based upon recommendations from our insurance consultants.The school District shall execute a BUILDING CONTRACT RENTAL, which includes a Hold Harmless clause, which holds the Board of Education of School District 64, the administration, and school employees harmless from any and all actions from any person or persons occasioned by the use of the School District facilities.
***** END 3RD PRIORITY ***** |
4th Priority: Non-Profit Community Groups |
Any private school or community group operating on a not-for-profit basis.
For example:
- Park Ridge Civic Orchestra
- St Paul of the Cross
- Our Lady of Ransom
- South Park Church, etc.
Request(s) must be received at the Business Office for review after June 7th, 2024.
The organization will be required to provide the School District with certificate of insurance for liability and property damage.The limits for this insurance shall be $1,000,000 or an amount established by School District 64 based upon recommendations from our insurance consultants.The school District shall execute a BUILDING CONTRACT RENTAL, which includes a Hold Harmless clause, which holds the Board of Education of School District 64, the administration, and school employees harmless from any and all actions from any person or persons occasioned by the use of the School District facilities.